My COVIctory is a new location for my restaurant, Chicken Latino, and feeding families in and around my new community.
- Shelbin Santos
- Candi Castleberry
I just kept thinking about people who had to go to work in an environment where people didn’t care, and that for me was the hardest.
My COVIctory is creating a home for Trans individuals in need of safe housing, at a time where it’s been needed more than ever.
- Ciora Thomas
I found a peace in the silence.
- Peachie Wimbush-Polk
MY COVIctory is keeping children safe through my clinic, Salud Para Ninos, which tackles disparities in our Hispanic communities.
- Dr. Diego Chaves Gnecco
- Derek and Bon'Sel
There’s miraculous love with people when there’s devastation, and people came together to help me and my husband.
Being so ensconced in death has, I think, enabled me to appreciate life a bit more.
- Damon Young
- Geeta Bhattarai
My COVIctory is survival. I came to this country as a refugee from Bhutan. In 2020, my family survived a COVID-19 infection.